Gluten Free Registry is the leading curated database of gluten-free friendly restaurants, coffee houses, grocers, caterers and more. Our database contains over 45,000+ business locations in North America and other parts of the world, and we receive new business submissions every day. Now this information about gluten-free friendly businesses is available on your iPhone, iPod and iPad. So far over 2.1 million people have used our website and apps. NOTE: A separate iPad optimized version is also available.
Some of the features in our app include:
* Powered by our extensive curated database of gluten-free friendly businesses, not a web search
* Database includes not only restaurants, but also bakeries, coffee houses, grocers, caterers and more
* View businesses on a map or listed by proximity
* Easily search different locations, search by business type, and by business name
* Read reviews and ratings by the gluten-free community
* Post your own reviews of the businesses
* Suggest new businesses
* View gluten-free restaurant menus (available for over 12,200 locations!)
* Call the business on your iPhone
* Get driving directions
* View their website
* Check-in via Twitter!
B = Bakery
C = Caterer/Chef
D = Dessert
G = Grocer
H = Hospital
J = Coffee/Java
R = Restaurant
V = Vacation/Resort